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The Lindfield Public School canteen is run and funded by the P&C. The current menu complies with the Healthy Schools Guidelines issued by the NSW Department of Education. The department classifies food into three categories – green, orange and red. The majority of items on the LPS canteen menu fit into the green category (these are now marked on the menu with a smiley face) and the remainder fit into the orange category. There are some red items, such as pythons, which are only served on Specials Days. Gluten free items are also available.

In developing the menu, the P&C need to balance what kids want to eat with what parents want to serve. Some members of the school community have expressed concerns about the ‘healthiness’ of some of the items on the menu. In response, the P&C has developed this survey to assess the extent to which these views are shared by the broader school community.

Please select your responses to all questions on each page and then click the ‘next’ button at the bottom of the page to move to the next questions.

1. On average, would you say you use the school canteen for a lunch order for your child...?

Every day
Three or four days a week
Two days a week
Once a week
One to two days a month
Less than once a month

2. Which of the following would you say is your main reason for using the canteen?

You can select up to two responses.

As a treat for you (because you don't have to make lunch)
When you are out of fresh bread
As a treat for your child
Never use the canteen

3. Overall, how satisfied are you with the LPS canteen?

Extremely satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Extremely dissatisfied
Never used it before
4. Thinking about the canteen menu, in principle, do you think it should be left up to parents and children to decide what to buy or do you think the canteen menu should be revised to remove some or all of the items that some parents say are unhealthy?

Leave it to parents and children to decide what to buy
Remove those items which parents express most concern about
Remove all items which some parents express concern about
I don't feel strongly about this issue
5. Follow is a list of items on the canteen menu which some parents have expressed concern about. For each item, please indicate whether you believe it should stay on the menu, be removed from the menu altogether, be available less frequently, or whether you do not feel strongly about it.

Should stay on menu

Should be removed from the menu altogether

Should be available less frequently

Do not feel strongly about it

I don't know what this food is
Jube Faces






Raspberry Icypole

Bulla Boost



5a. Are there any other items on the canteen menu that you believe should stay, be removed or be available less frequently?

6. If you do have concerns about some items on the canteen menu, which of the following are your main concerns?

You can pick up to two responses

Too much fat
Additives including colours and flavours
Processed foods
Child's special dietary requirements such as nut allergies, gluten or dairy intolerance etc.
Too much sugar
I do not have any concerns

7. If more healthy items were added to the canteen menu, would you use the canteen more frequently?

Definitely would
Probably would
Probably wouldn't
Definitely wouldn't
7a. Can you suggest more healthy food choices that your own child or children would be willing to eat that could be added to the canteen menu?

Note that these suggestions will be evaluated by the canteen committee taking into account a range of factors including equipment and time required for preparation.

7b. Are you prepared to pay approximately 30% higher prices at the canteen in order to cover the costs of providing healthier food options? This would cover both the higher cost of this type of food and the associated wastage from stocking food options which are poor sellers.

Yes, I am prepared to pay more to get healthier food options
No, I am not prepared to pay more to get healthier food options
8. Currently, children in Years 3 to 6 can make over-the-counter purchases of items such as snack foods, drinks, frozens (iceblocks), hot milo, slushies, hot cheese rolls and hot garlic bread.

Some parents have suggested that the canteen should operate on an order-only basis for all children. In your opinion, should children in Years 3-6 be able to make over-the-counter purchases, or should the canteen operate on an order-only basis?

Children in Years 3-6 should continue to be able to make over-the-counter purchases
The canteen should operate on an order-only basis for all children
I do not feel strongly about this either way

9. Which of the following best describes you...?

I am currently on the canteen roster
I am not available to work on the canteen because I work, have young children or for other reasons
I am not interested in working at the canteen
I am interested in working at the canteen but have not got around to putting my name down

10. Which of the following best reflects your family situation?

My child/children are in the infants school (Kindergarten to Year 2)
My child/children are in the primary school (Year 3 to Year 6)
I have children in both the infants and primary school
11. Thank you for participating in this survey. Is there anything else that you would like to say or think we need to hear on this or other topics?

Please contact [email protected]
if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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