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Attracting and retaining talent is key to the success of any company - with no exception to Allan Gray. This is something we have been trying to solve on several occasions with some wins, but it has been ad hoc with no guarantee that it will work in the future.

In our project we have looked externally what is, or is perceived to be, important to developers when considering potential employers.

Now we would like to hear from you. What matters? What is important to you?
* Please drag and rank the following in order of what is most important to you as a developer:
Drag your choices here to rank them
    How would you rate Allan Gray on the following criteria :
    Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied
    * Involvement in challenging work
    * Leader /mentor /coach that supports my development and learning
    * Meritocracy (recognizing individual contribution)
    * Clearly articulated career path
    * Autonomy
    * Performance related bonus
    * My opinions count
    * Exercising creativity
    * Competitive base salary
    * Building something that matter
    * Flexible working conditions
    * Work with state of the art technology and resources
    * Growth opportunities
    * List any influential factors you can think of not mentioned above?
    * List what you think makes Allan Gray unique/different for you as a developer?
    * Would you recommend working at Allan Gray to other developers: Yes? No? tell us why?
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